Dynamic PDF book App using Firebase Aia file for Kodular With Admin Panel
Friends, today I have brought a new PDF book app AIA file for you. The main purpose of such a PDF book for rebuilding the project is that many developers are facing problem to show many PDF files and also downloading the PDF file.
The last time the project was created, it was opening the PDF through an extension but in this project, I did not use any extension to show the PDF files. When this application opens, we get to see many features. One great thing is that in this session, I will give you two project AIA files. One is admin and the other is user app / main app project. AIA file downloading link available at the bottom of the page.
Admin Panel Setup
Everything is ready in this admin app project file. All you need to do is change the Firebase URL and Firebase Access Token.
First of all, you have to upload the PDF file to Firebase storage and copy the uploaded PDF file access token in the 'File location' section in the image above. Next to the Admin app, all you have to do is enter the Book Name and Firebase Storage Token. Then it automatically sends the entered data to the user
How to set up PDF book App Aia file?
First, change the app name and package name. Be sure to choose a unique app name and package name. Then you have to change the firebase token and URL just like the admin project. Next, change the Admob Ad Unit ID. And one thing you have to keep in mind, you have to change the app icon, picture and Keystore. Always try to use royalty-free images in your project. If you are avoiding it, then you may face a problem when you publish the app in the Google Play console.
In the block coding part, do not change any block unnecessarily otherwise an error may appear in your application. If you have proper knowledge about it then you can modify the blog and component in the Kodular project.
How to Monetize app?
I used Admob banner ads and interstitial ads in this project and enabled the test mode. After downloading the AIA file, you have disabled the test mode and put Adobe ad unit ID in the advertising component. Next if you want to modify this project then you can. After all setup, export the application and publish to Google Play console.
If you want to show the advertisement without publishing it in the App Store, then you have to request to execute the ads.
PDF book App aia file