In this tutorial, you will find the AIA file of the notebook application. You can download this AIA file for free. Before that, you should read this post in its entirety. Because you need to change some items in the AIA file.
Notebook app AIA file free for Kodular
How to set up Notebook app AIA File?
After downloading this AIA file, import it into Kodular Builder. If you plan to publish an app in the Google Play console, you will need to change the app icon, picture, app colour, app name, app package name, and Keystore. As you know, everything must be unique in the application for the Google Play console.
How to Monetization App on Kodular?
To monetize this notebook application, we have used Admob Ads. Each screen of this application has a banner ad and the test mode is enabled in the AIA file. You have to disable the test mode and enter Admob's ad unit ID. If you want, you can add interstitial ads to this application. After this, put the Interstitial Advertising Unit ID in the designer part. Block coding to load and display advertisements.
You can use Facebook Audience Network Ads or other advertisements in this application. Simply remove AdMob ad components. Drag and drop other ad network components to the screen. Then insert the add id into the designer part and the block code into the block coding part.